To access session recordings, click session name or find us on YouTube.

Tuesday, May 7

Opening Plenary | How Anchor Institutions and Philanthropy Drive Systems Change for Community Well Being
Breakout Session | Building a Healthy Community Investment Ecosystem
Breakout Session | Modeling Success for Rural Communities
Breakout Session | Public Private Partnerships: Leveraging Resources via Collaboration and Creativity
Pictured: Speakers for the "Modeling Success for Rural Communities" breakout session.
Breakout Session | People-Centered Approaches to Meeting the Commonwealth’s Workforce Needs
Pictured: Panelists from the "Building a More Equitable Future: Philanthropy's Role in Health and Racial Equity" Lunch Plenary
Breakout Session | Moving the Talent Pipeline for Healthcare Workforce to New Heights
Breakout Session | Coming Together on Mental Health
Breakout Session | Climate and Conservation: What’s Happening in Virginia
  • Elizabeth Armistead Andrews, Environmental Institute University of Virginia | Presentation
  • Chris Moore, Chesapeake Bay Foundation | Presentation
Breakout Session | Emerging Models for Early Childhood Education Collaboratives
Dinner Plenary | An Evening Exploring Arts & Culture
  • To purchase Hamilton Glass’ Mending Walls book that was featured at our conference dinner plenary, contact Hamilton.

Wednesday, May 8

Deep Dive | The Virginia Community Engagement Index: A Tool for Building Civic Engagement
Deep Dive | Moving Forward with an Advocacy Strategy: A Discussion for Leaders
Judy Woodruff joins Lizzy Hazeltine and Duc Luu in a conversation about efforts to work toward a healthier local news and information ecosystem
Deep Dive | Arts & Culture: A Case for Funder Support
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