
Since joining VFN as CEO last July, I have met numerous leaders from across the Commonwealth who believe in the power of philanthropy to drive positive change.

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FOTH 2024 – Update

From February 25 – 28, Virginia Funders Network participated in United Philanthropy Forum’s Foundations on the Hill, the largest annual public policy and advocacy conference dedicated solely to the philanthropic sector. Representatives from foundations and peer philanthropy-serving organizations (PSO’s) around the country gathered for three days of workshops, networking, learning,

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2023 Year in Review

As we move into what we anticipate being another busy year, we invite you to reflect on the successes of 2023. Please take a few minutes to read our newly released 2023 Year in Review to learn more about how we: Began to implement the 2023-25 Strategic Framework. Hosted dozens of learning and

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Policy and Advocacy Updates

Now that the General Assembly session has begun in Richmond, it’s a good time to think about other policy and advocacy activities for the year. Here are a few updates and opportunities for VFN members to engage in the first half of 2024. Foundations of the Hill (FOTH) 2024 Please

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What are VFN’s priorities for 2024?

As we enter VFN’s fourth year, we are most grateful for early advocates and the generous investments of members who believe in our mission to build a connected, collaborative philanthropic community that advances opportunities for all who call Virginia home. VFN’s Strategic Framework will continue to guide our work. A

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