Conference 2025 is here…registration is now open! CLICK HERE

Non-Solicitation Policy

Our Commitment

The Virginia Funders Network provides a unique space and events where philanthropic leaders can gather, learn, share ideas, and seek the advice and input of their peers and colleagues. As such, at VFN events, solicitation, promotion, and fundraising of any kind to benefit a specific organization, event, or cause by Members, Partners, and/or guests is prohibited. This ensures a comfortable, respectful atmosphere in which professional relationships can be fostered and maintained. Notably, this shall not prohibit education, communication, and collaboration among funders for areas of mutual interest. Members understand that the CEO, Advisory Board members, and other VFN leadership, in their roles as fiduciaries, shall make Members aware of funding opportunities that support VFN’s strategic objectives.

The payment of dues is acceptance of VFN’s non-solicitation policy. Violators of this policy, as decided by VFN’s Executive Committee, may be excluded from future VFN events and/or denied future membership.

VFN may invite representatives of the grantseeking community to join us as speakers, panelists, or guests at VFN events. We also ask these representatives to adhere strictly to our policy of non-solicitation. Invited nonprofit representatives who violate this policy, as decided by VFN’s Executive Committee, may be excluded from future VFN events.