Throughout 2022, VFN embarked on its first-ever strategic planning process. This member-driven, member-led process incorporated the ideas and input of more than 80% of VFN’s member organizations. The resulting plan, presented here, will drive and shape the organization’s work over the next three years.
A special thanks to VFN’s Founding Advisory Board, Strategic Planning Committee, membership, and staff for their commitment and dedication to the development of this inaugural framework!
Official release statement

After a 10-month, member-driven strategic planning process, VFN is proud to release our first-ever Strategic Framework!
More than 80% of VFN’s member organizations provided ideas and input to shape this plan which will drive VFN’s work over the next three years.
Our Why
The Virginia Funders Network was born from a belief in the power of collaboration. Our strength and effectiveness come directly from the diverse and valued insights, wisdom, perspectives, and dedication of nearly 120 funders all across the Commonwealth who comprise our network. We are dedicated to working together to help ensure that all who call Virginia home, regardless of race, gender, age, ability or geography, have the resources they need to thrive.
All Virginia communities are valued and thriving, and are empowered and supported by a strong and vibrant philanthropic sector.
To build a connected, collaborative philanthropic community that advances opportunities for all who call Virginia home.
Our organizational values – community, inclusion, curiosity, and collaboration – guide our strategy, inform our work, and serve as a beacon as we continue to grow and learn as an organization.
Our How - Strategies

Build and strengthen diverse, connected, trust-based networks of members that drive positive change, community-by-community, across Virginia.

Connect members to information and data that highlight disparities and disparate impact for more effective philanthropic decision-making in Virginia.

Represent institutional philanthropy in Virginia and collaborate strategically with the business, government, and nonprofit sectors.

Advocate on behalf of institutional philanthropy in Virginia.

Build the necessary financial, staffing, and leadership structures to sustain and support members and the organization.
Our What - Expected Outcomes

Members that inspire, support, encourage, and challenge each other to advance organizational values and act on the knowledge shared and learned through VFN.

New or strengthened philanthropic collaborations that improve quality of life and/or advance opportunities in Virginia.

Recognition of VFN by statewide, cross-sector leaders as the go-to resource for institutional philanthropy in Virginia.

Relationships with national funders that result in increased awareness of VFN and the work of Virginia funders.

An organization with diverse and inclusive membership, leadership, and staff that is prepared to meet the challenges of the work; is financially sustainable; and builds structures and cultivates future leadership that is prepared and willing to serve.