Affordable Housing a Shared Interest of Regional Funders
A Shenandoah Valley Regional Funders Gathering Recap by Member, Dan Layman Seventeen representatives of eleven regional and statewide funders gathered in Waynesboro on August 13 to listen, learn and discuss affordable housing in the Shenandoah Valley. While this is not a new topic of conversation in the Valley, a recently completed regional housing study now […]
Reflections from the 2023 Virginia Governor’s Housing Conference
“The missing middle.” “Make Virginia Home.” “Mission-focused housing development.” Pictured: VFN staff members Patte Koval and Robin Mockenhaupt attend the Virginia Governor’s Housing Conference These are a few of the terms VFN team members Patte Koval and Robin Mockenhaupt heard at the 2023 Virginia Governor’s Housing Conference, held November 15-17 in Hampton. The conference […]