A Piedmont Regional Funders Gathering Recap

By VFN CEO, Bess Littlefield

Earlier this year, the Virginia Funders Network adopted GO Virginia’s regional map to align our regional work. This alignment offers opportunities for collaboration with the public sector to ensure that all communities across the Commonwealth are thriving and the people who call Virginia home can reach their full potential.

On August 21, over thirty VFN members gathered in Warrenton to hear an update on Region 9 priorities from Ray Knott, Atlantic Union’s Northern Virginia Market President and a GO Virginia Region 9 Council member. Funders learned about public investments in economic development this statewide program is making in the Piedmont region. They gained insight into philanthropy’s role in addressing community needs such as housing affordability, workforce training, and early childcare that arise when a growing business landscape provides good-paying jobs and economic growth.

Ray Knott, GO Virginia Region 9 Council Member shares more about activities in the Piedmont region with area funders.
Ray Knott, GO Virginia Region 9 Council Member, shares more about GO Virginia's involvement in the Piedmont region with area funders.

The regional gathering continued with an exploration of philanthropic investments in economic mobility, local journalism, and civic engagement. Members shared highlights of current efforts, including funding for systems change, youth engagement, and community leadership development.

Funders in the Piedmont region gather together in Warrenton for the third annual Regional Funders Gathering
Funders in the Piedmont region gather together in Warrenton for the third annual Regional Funders Gathering

Future Regional Funder Gatherings will offer members opportunities to learn about their region’s GO Virginia priorities and explore ways to leverage these public investments with philanthropic dollars to scale impact for their communities.